Overview of Interventions
by Joanna Ng
According to wikipedia.org, “Organization development (OD) is a planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and viability.“
According to www.citehr.com:
Organization Development Interventions (ODI) techniques are the methods created by OD professionals and others. Single organization or consultant cannot use all the interventions. They use these interventions depending upon the need or requirement. The most important interventions are,
1. Survey feedback
2. Process Consultation
3. sensitivity Training
4. The Managerial grid
5. Goal setting and Planning
7. Job enrichment, changes in organizational structure and participative management and Quality circles, ISO, TQM
Reference: http://www.citehr.com/3596-organization-development-interventions.html
Effective Interventions
- The extent to which it fits the organization: (relevance, validity)
- The degree to which it is based on casual knowledge of intended outcomes: (knowledge of outcomes)
Designing Effective Interventions
- Contingencies related to change situation
- Readiness for change
- Capability to change
- Cultural Conext
- Capabilities of the Change Agent
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